VBS 2024 Volunteer Sign-up

Thank you for being willing to serve as a volunteer with VBS this summer! We have many opportunities for volunteers to jump in and help out during the week, including group leaders and assistants, craft assistants, snack assistants, registration helpers, etc.! Please sign up below, indicating your desired volunteer interest, and we’ll be in touch with more information as VBS week approaches. [We will have child care on site in the nursery for the younger children of volunteers who are too young for VBS. In the “anything else” box below, please inform us of your need for childcare and the age of your child if you’ll be needing childcare!]

Please note that VBS will run from Monday, June 3, through Friday, June 7. We will have a “VBS Volunteer Training and Set-up” on Sunday June 2, from 10-11am (during Sunday School/Bible Study hour), in order to overview the week, assign responsibilities, and get set up. PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND THIS TRAINING! The week will run MUCH more smoothly this way.

Each day, the opening will begin at 9am and the closing will end at 11:30am. We ask our volunteers to plan to arrive by 8am on the first day (Monday, June 5) so we can brief everyone on the day’s events. After each day’s closing, each volunteer will receive instructions for the following day. Thank you so much for helping with VBS this year!