Bible Studies

Sunday Adult Bible Class

The Sunday Adult Bible Class meets in the Gym on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM and is led by one of Bethany’s pastors. Come early for coffee, refreshments, and fellowship.


Sunday School

Sunday School classes meet at 10:00 AM for all ages.  We use the Growing in Christ curriculum from Concordia Publishing House (CPH) for the lower grades.  Click here to learn more about Growing in Christ. The 5th-6th graders use 120 Bible Stories from CPH to reinforce Bible basics before entering upper confirmation years. The 7th-8th graders engage Luther’s Small Catechism, as they’re instructed toward reception of the Lord’s Supper.

Sr. High Youth Bible Study
Sundays, 10:00 in the Youth Room

Led by one of the pastors.
All high schoolers are invited each Sunday at 10:00 AM.


New Member Classes  

For those interested in joining Bethany, learning what we confess as a church, or simply looking for a refresher, the New Member/Adult Catechesis class is offered each year in the Fall. For more information or to sign up for the class, contact


Join Pastor Bartens on Thursday evenings weekly from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the Youth Room as we examine current issues facing Christians through the lens of the Epistles of St. Peter. This group is for young adults (18-30).

Theology on Tap

This is a monthly book study, theological conversation, and beer fellowship led by Pastor Clemmer. Our meeting day will change each month according to schedules, so see the Week at a Glance for each month’s meeting day/time! For more information and our current topic, see the Theology on Tap page.

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LifeLight for Women

LifeLight is currently studying a new topical study:  The Triune God.  We meet in the Youth Room, and begin the weekly Wednesday study with the opening Morning Prayer promptly at 9 AM, discuss our homework questions from 9:10 to 10:00, then Pastor will join us until 11 AM.  Contact Sheri Walsh at or 630.816.4647 with any questions.  

Schedule for 2023-2024

LifeLight is on break for the summer.  All are welcome to join the Bible Reading Group.  

Bible Reading Group

For the past year-and-a-half we have read through the Gospels of John and Luke, most of Matthew, the books of Acts, Romans, several Epistles, Lamentations, most of the minor Prophets, most of the Psalms, all of Proverbs, and the entire "Torah," or first five books of the law. Please give it a try!  Come with your Bible and join us in the Youth Room! If you have questions, please contact Ina Johnson at 630.369.6074.

Women's Summer Bible Reading Group
Two opportunities for reading through the book Isaiah will be offered this summer.
- On  Wednesdays from 9:30 until 11 AM.
- On Saturdays from 8:30 until 10 AM.
Please contact Ina Johnson with questions, and please consider coming!

Saturday Men’s Bible Breakfast

The Bethany Men's Bible Breakfast meets the first and third Saturday of the month at 8:00 AM in the Multipurpose Room. The men have breakfast from 8:00 to 8:30 and the Bible Study follows. The Men's Bible Breakfast serves the needs of men in multiple ways. It serves as an opportunity for men of God to have fellowship with other men of God for mutual support, and to study the Word of God or other Christian writings in depth. In an age that downplays the importance of traditional Christian manliness, this study is a wonderful opportunity in which men of all ages can participate.