2024 Fall Men’s Retreat

“Man UP”

When: Friday, October 18 - Saturday, October 19

Where: Bethany Lutheran Church

Cost: Free

Guest Speaker: Rev. Jeffrey Hemmer (about)


About the Retreat: The retreat is for men of all ages and is a great opportunity for fellowship with your brothers in Christ at Bethany.  This year’s theme is “Man Up.” Our guest speaker will be Rev. Jeffrey Hemmer, Assistant to the LC-MS President and Pastor of Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairview Heights, IL.


Friday 10/18

6:00 pm Meet & Greet in Youth Room

6:30 pm Dinner in Youth Room

7:00 pm Session I (outside if weather permits)

8:30 pm Evening Prayer in Sanctuary

9:00 pm Fellowship at the Firepit

(bring your own cigar and a chair)

Saturday 10/19

7:30 am Breakfast in Youth Room

8:15 am Morning Prayer in Sanctuary

8:30 am Session II  in Youth Room

10:00 am Coffee/Snack Break

10:30 am Session III

12:00 pm Closing Prayer