March 11, 2022

March 11, 2022

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • Quarterly Voters Assembly Meeting and Youth Lunch

  • Spring Forward This Sunday

  • Donations for College Students' Care Packages

  • Lenten Devotions Available!

  • Theology on Tap

  • Youth Game Night

  • Flowers for Easter

  • 14th Annual Men's Retreat

  • Bethany Lutheran Ball & Auction

  • Lent Midweek Service

  • Lenten Observations

  • LCMS Response and Aid to Ukraine

  • Upcoming Meetings and Link to Bylaws

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

March 4, 2022

March 4, 2022

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • Lenten Devotions Available!

  • Lenten Observations

  • LWML Mission Emphasis for March

  • Flowers for Easter

  • Quarterly Voters Assembly Meeting and Youth Lunch

  • OWLs March Lunch

  • Theology on Tap

  • LCMS Response and Aid to Ukraine

  • Bethany Lutheran Ball & Auction

  • Caring Network Church Summit

  • Lent Midweek Service

  • Upcoming Meetings and Link to Bylaws

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

February 25, 2022

February 25, 2022

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • Alleluia Butterflies

  • Luella Placko Funeral Information

  • Higher Things Lenten Devotions Available!

  • Culver's Benefit Night

  • Lay Theology Conference Recordings Available

  • Youth Sledding

  • Caring Network Church Summit

  • OWLs March Lunch

  • Lutheran Laity Premier Conference

  • Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule

  • Soup Suppers for Lent

  • Opportunity to Donate

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Link to Bylaws

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Treasurer's Report

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

February 18, 2022

February 18, 2022

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • 2022 Winter Lay Theology Conference this Saturday

  • Youth Open Gym

  • Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule

  • Soup Suppers for Lent

  • Caring Network Church Summit

  • Opportunity to Donate

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

February 11, 2022

February 11, 2022

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • Theology on Tap!

  • 2022 Winter Lay Theology Conference

  • Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule

  • Soup Suppers for Lent

  • NID Singles Luncheon

  • Walcamp Summer Registration Open

  • Upcoming Meetings & Link to Bylaws

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Financial Forecast as of 1/31/22

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

February 4, 2022

February 4, 2022

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • LWML Mites Drop-off

  • 2022 Winter Lay Theology Conference

  • Youth Trivia Night!

  • Dine Out Fundraiser

  • OWLS February Lunch

  • Soup Suppers for Lent

  • Next Theology on Tap!

  • Walcamp Summer Registration Open

  • Upcoming Meetings & Link to Bylaws

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

January 28, 2022

January 28, 2022

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • 2022 Winter Lay Theology Conference

  • College Parents Care Group

  • Next Theology on Tap!

  • Youth Trivia Night!

  • Dine Out Fundraiser

  • OWLS February Lunch

  • Happy Birthday, Luella Placko!

  • Wedding Anniversaries

  • St. John's Artist Series

  • Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Treasurer's Report

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

January 21, 2022

January 21, 2022

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • Youth Open Gym, Games, Bible Study

  • Theology on Tap is back

  • Pastor Schumacher on Vacation

  • College Parents Care Group

  • 2022 Winter Lay Theology Conference

  • St. John's Artist Series

  • Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Treasurer's Report

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

January 14, 2022

January 14, 2022

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • Lutherans For Life Door Offering

  • Theology on Tap is back

  • 2022 Winter Lay Theology Conference

  • Youth Open Gym, Games, Bible Study

  • College Parents Care Group

  • St. John's Artist Series

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Link to Bylaws

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

January 7, 2022

January 7, 2022

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • March for Life in Chicago

  • Undecorating Christmas

  • Installation of Boards and Reaffirmation of Elders

  • OWLS January Event

  • Theology on Tap is back

  • Sunday Coffee Fellowship

  • Portals of Prayer

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Link to Bylaws

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

December 31, 2021

December 31, 2021

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • Bible Study and Sunday School this Sunday

  • Epiphany Worship at Bethany

  • LWML Mite Collection

  • Installation of Boards and Reaffirmation of Elders

  • Undecorating Christmas

  • March for Life in Chicago

  • OWLS January Event

  • Portals of Prayer

  • Financials

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Link to Bylaws

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

December 24, 2021

December 24, 2021

In this edition...

  • This Sunday's Readings

  • Christmas Worship at Bethany

  • Giving Trees for Christmas - update

  • Wedding Anniversaries

  • Portals of Prayer

  • March for Life in Chicago

  • Financials

  • Link to Bylaws

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

December 17, 2021

December 17, 2021

In this edition...

  • This Weekend's Readings

  • A Note about Worship on Sunday, December 19

  • Sunday School Christmas Program

  • Jr & Sr High Youth Christmas Party

  • Christmas Worship at Bethany

  • Giving Trees for Christmas

  • Portals of Prayer

  • March for Life in Chicago

  • Bethany Lutheran School Enrollment

  • Link to Bylaws

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

December 10, 2021

December 10, 2021

In this edition...

  • This Weekend's Readings

  • Quarterly Voters Assembly Recap

  • Advent Daily Devotions

  • CUC Christmas Band Concert

  • Barbershop, Handbells, and Strings Christmas Show

  • Rehearsal for Sunday School Christmas Program

  • Giving Trees for Christmas

  • A Note about Worship on Sunday, December 19

  • Sunday School Christmas Program

  • Jr & Sr High Youth Christmas Party

  • Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries

  • Bethany Lutheran School Enrollment

  • Ladies Advent Tea Thank You

  • Stewardship

  • March for Life in Chicago

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

December 3, 2021

December 3, 2021

In this edition...

  • This Weekend's Readings

  • Quarterly Voters Assembly Meeting

  • Rationale of Seminarian Call

  • Rationale for Endowment

  • Lunch for Voters Assembly

  • Ladies Advent Tea

  • LWML Notes and Mission Focus

  • Poinsettias for the Sanctuary

  • CUC Service of Lessons and Carols

  • OWLS December Lunch

  • CUC Christmas Band Concert

  • Barbershop, Handbells, and Strings Christmas Show

  • Giving Trees for Christmas

  • Youth Sign-Up for Serving Lunch

  • March for Life in Chicago

  • Bethany's Stained Glass Windows

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

November 26, 2021

November 26, 2021

In this edition...

  • This Weekend's Readings

  • Sanctuary Decorating

  • Quarterly Voters Assembly Meeting

  • Lunch for Voters Assembly

  • Giving Trees for Christmas

  • Poinsettias for the Sanctuary

  • Ladies Advent Tea

  • Youth Babysitting for Advent Tea

  • Barbershop, Handbells, and Strings Christmas Show

  • OWLS December Lunch

  • Bethany Lutheran School Enrollment

  • Youth Sign-Up for Serving Lunch

  • 2022 Lutheran Singles Association Conference

  • Bethany's Stained Glass Windows

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

November 19, 2021

November 19, 2021

In this edition...

  • This Weekend's Readings

  • Informational Meeting regarding calling a Third Pastor

  • Welcome Adult Confirmands and New Members

  • Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service

  • Sanctuary Decorating

  • Poinsettias for the Sanctuary

  • Barbershop, Handbells, and Strings Christmas Show

  • Ladies Advent Tea

  • Youth Babysitting for Advent Tea

  • Bethany Lutheran School Enrollment

  • Youth Sign-Up for Serving Lunch

  • Bethany's Stained Glass Windows

  • Prayer Chain

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

November 12, 2021

November 12, 2021

In this edition...

  • This Weekend's Readings

  • Crafter's Paradise

  • Science and Faith Conference continuing this Sunday during Adult Bible Study

  • Informational Meeting regarding calling a Third Pastor

  • Welcome Adult Confirmands and New Members

  • Bethany's Stained Glass Windows

  • Ladies Advent Tea

  • Sunday School Christmas Program

  • LWML Ongoing Collections

  • Lutheran Witness magazine Podcast

  • Prayer Chain

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Financial Forecast as of 10/31/2021

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

November 5, 2021

November 5, 2021

In this edition...

  • This Weekend's Readings

  • Set your Clocks Back One Hour THIS Sunday, November 7

  • Science and Faith Conference beginning THIS Sunday during Adult Bible Study

  • Informational Meeting regarding calling a Third Pastor

  • ALL Youth Leaf Raking Day November 6

  • Sunday School Christmas Program

  • LWML Mite Sunday & Mission Focus

  • Lunch for OWLS

  • Crafter's Paradise

  • Prayer Chain

  • Lutheran Witness magazine Podcast

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort

October 29, 2021

October 29, 2021

In this edition...

  • This Weekend's Readings

  • Science and Faith Conference during Adult Bible Study

  • ALL Youth Leaf Raking Day

  • Crafter's Paradise

  • St Paul's Beecher needs donations

  • Lutheran Witness magazine Podcast

  • Experience the Passion Play and More in 2022

  • LWML Meeting

  • Sanctuary Decorating

  • Wedding Anniversaries

  • Sermons and Bible Study Recordings

  • Caring Network Liaison Position Open

  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Weekly Devotions & Bible Studies

  • In Our Prayers

  • Stewardship

  • Note for Contemplation and Comfort